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Trump Begins Nightly "News" Coverage of His Campaign

I don't know who else still uses Facebook, but Donald Trump does. Dissatisfied with media coverage of his campaign, his campaign aides have started nightly broadcasts of the day's campaign events from Trump Tower. It's his version of "Nightly News -- My Way." They air on his FB page.

Supposedly this is not related to recent reports he would launch a media company after he loses the Presidency.

Although shot to mimic a news program, the broadcast was essentially a campaign advertisement with only glowing coverage of Trump and sharp criticism of his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton. After about 40 minutes the broadcast cut to live coverage of Trump's speech from Tampa, Fla.

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"You Don't Have to Like Her": You Do Need to Vote

Oprah on the TD Jakes Show, to air Thursday.

There really is no choice people. All the people sitting around talking about they can't decide...You hear this all the time, people saying "I just don't know if I like her." She not comin' over to your house. You don’t have to like her. You do not have to like her. Do you like this country? You better get out there and vote. (my emphasis)

“Do you like freedom and liberty? Do you like this country? Okay. Do you like democracy or do you want a demagogue? Okay, there you go.

I happen to like Hillary Clinton. I've met her a few times, asked her questions at campaign and blogger events and heard her speak in person up close at house parties and in big crowds many times over the past decade.

But for those of you who don't like her, Oprah is right. Please don't let your emotions about someone you've never met and probably never will meet put our nation's future and our children's future in jeopardy. [More...]

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11th Woman Accuses Trump: Solicitation Allegation

Gloria Allred strkes again. She's now representing an adult film star who claims Trump offered her $10,000 in 2006 to come to his hotel suite in Tahoe -- she had already been in the suite that evening with some other women when she alleges he kissed them all without permission -- after she left, she says he called her and offered her $10,000 to return. Trump denies her claims.

Maybe she's jumping on the bandwagon. Maybe she's telling the truth. Does anyone care except him and his family? At this point it doesn't matter how many allegations there are or whether they are false. His presidential ship sailed into oblivion after the recording with Billy Bush surfaced.

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Trump's Friday Night Funk

The Washington Post tonight reports "Donald Trump is in a funk " Bitter, hoarse and pondering, ‘If I lose. . .’" At a campaign rally today (attendance for which was noticeably smaller than usual), Trump said:

“What a waste of time if we don’t pull this off,” Trump said. “You know, these guys have said: ‘It doesn’t matter if you win or lose. There’s never been a movement like this in the history of this country.’ I say, it matters to me if we win or lose. So I’ll have over $100 million of my own money in this campaign.”

“So, if I lose,” Trump continued as the crowd remained unusually quiet, “if I lose, I will consider this —”

He didn't finish the sentence. The Post also perfectly sums up Trump's past week [More..]:

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Hillary's Best Takedown of Trump During Debate

I agree with Vogue Magazine: Hillary's best takedown of Trump during the debate was comparing their experience:

“I think it’s really an important issue he raised, the 30 years of experience. Let me just talk briefly about that.

You know, back in the 1970s, I worked for Children’s Defense Fund, and I was taking on discrimination against African-American kids in schools. He was getting sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination in his apartment buildings.

In the 1980s, I was working to reform the schools in Arkansas. He was borrowing $14 million from his father to start his businesses.

In the 1990s, I went to Beijing and I said women’s rights are human rights. He insulted a former Miss Universe, Alicia Machado; called her an eating machine.

And on the day I was in the situation room, monitoring the raid that brought Osama bin Laden to justice, he was hosting The Celebrity Apprentice. So I’m happy to compare my 30 years of experience, what I’ve done for this country, trying to help in every way I could, especially kids and families get ahead and stay ahead with your 30 years. And I’ll let the American people make that decision.”


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NY Times: Hillary has 92% Chance of Winning Election

Hillary has a 92% chance of winning the election, according to the New York Times.

During the debate, Trump said he'll have to look at the results before deciding whether to accept it.

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Fight Night: The Final Debate

The third and final debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump begins in a few minutes.

I don't think it's Trump's last chance -- he had that a while ago. I hope Hillary does well.

Here's a thread to discuss it.

Update (the end): Trump was horrible. If he prepared, it didn't show. There were no hand shakes at the beginning or end. Shorter version: Trump may not accept the results of the election.

He certainly does not have the temperment to be President. He doesn't know how to debate -- he only knows how to name-call. He called Hillary "such a nasty woman." He also said, "John Podesta said some terrible things about you and boy was he right." He says Sanders says she has bad judgment. Hillary responds that Bernie is supporting her and that Bernie said "Trump is the most dangerous person to run for President in American history."

Trump is losing this debate badly. He limped into it and he didn't help himself. [More...]

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Taco Trucks Erect Wall of Protest Outside LV Trump Hotel

Taco trucks have built a wall around the Trump Hotel in Las Vegas to protest his labor stance.

Members of Culinary Union 226 are building a wall of taco trucks outside of Trump International Hotel ahead of the third presidential debate on Wednesday. At least five taco trucks will sit outside the resort next to Fashion Show mall and across the street from Wynn Las Vegas. All plan to dole out free tacos as an estimated 400 people rally.

"We’re protesting Donald Trump’s hotel here in Vegas, where a majority of workers voted to unionize, and shamefully Trump has failed to sit down at the table with them," Democrat Ruben Kihuen, who is running to represent the 4th Congressional

CNN says the union represents more than 50,000 workers in Nevada.

The Trump hotel is one of the very few on the Las Vegas Strip that does not have union-negotiated contracts for its workers.

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Trump: "Why Did We Get the Ugly One?"

I happened to have watched Khloe Kardashian's season on Celebrity Apprentice. I was outraged when Trump fired her because he learned she had missed a day of work on the show to attend alcohol classes for a DUI.

Today the Los Angeles Times reports on his real beef with Khloe: She was too heavy and not as attractive as her sisters.

“What is this? We can’t even get the hot one?” he reportedly said, referring to Kardashian’s sister, Kim. “Why don’t we fire Khloe? She is a fat piglet. Why did we get the ugly Kardashian?”

Via Huffpo, a third source and Apprentice editor, states: [More...]

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Trump Claims Martyr Status in Response to Groping Claims

Here's Donald, Martyr in Chief, after multiple women have called him out for inappropriate groping:

“I take all of these slings and arrows, gladly, for you,” Mr. Trump said to cheers in West Palm Beach. “I take them for our movement, so that we can have our country back. Our great civilization here in America and across the civilized world has come upon a moment of reckoning.”

Trump is imploding. He continues to insist all these women's claims against him are lies, and the product of some grand conspiracy. The latest polls in Pennsylvania have Hillary way ahead. I disagree that this is some watershed moment for women, like Ferguson. I think it's about Donald Trump, not a cause. Who wouldn't be reviled by him except the staunchest, most irrational Clinton haters? The sheer number of claims simply make them impossible for him to overcome. He has no path to win. No one wants a groper-in-chief for President.

As Bob Dylan put it decades ago, "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows." So what is his goal at this point? Trump must know he's going down in flames. Can he avoid his brand going down with him? What about his kids? Are they privately in denial or mortified? Will Melania stay with him after the election?

Ultimately, I think history books will marvel at his arrogance and narcissism -- he really seems to believe that people love him so much they will fail to see him as the Emperor with No Clothes and overlook the growing number of accusations against him -- accusations that include not just groping, but bigotry against immigrants and Muslims, inflating his wealth while downplaying his business failures, and misogyny -- as well as his bizarre admissions, like bragging about avoiding federal taxes. How delusional. [More...]

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Republican Party Turmoil, Vol. 82

Don't think this means your vote doesn't matter. It does, check your voter registration today. It's not just the presidency but control of the House and Senate that's at stake.

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Clinton and Trump: The Second Debate

Update: Hillary won (not a surprise.) The New York Times editorial on Trump's performance, Mr. Trump Goes Low:

Sniffing and glowering, Mr. Trump prowled behind Mrs. Clinton as she presented herself again as the only adult on stage, the only one seeking to persuade the great majority of Americans that she shares their values and aspirations. Mr. Trump, by contrast, fell back on the tricks he has learned from his years in pro wrestling and reality television, making clear how deep his cynicism goes.
Update: Shorter version of the debate:


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