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NY Judge Rules Trump Can be Deposed by Victims

Gloria Allred wins a round in the Summer Zervos lawsuit. The Judge cited the Paula Jones case as one authority for the proposition that a lawsuit can proceed against a sitting President.

The decision by Justice Jennifer Schecter of State Supreme Court in Manhattan paved the way for lawyers to seek depositions from several women who accused Mr. Trump of sexual harassment before he was elected and to subpoena Trump campaign records related to his female accusers.

Justice Schecter rejected Mr. Trump’s argument that a state court has no jurisdiction over a sitting president. She cited a United States Supreme Court ruling that allowed Paula Jones to bring a sexual harassment suit against President Bill Clinton.

“No one is above the law,” Justice Schecter wrote. “It is settled that the president of the United States has no immunity and is ‘subject to the laws’ for purely private acts.”

It was after that ruling that Clinton and Jones settled with no admission of wrongdoing or apology. Will Trump do the same? Would Gloria and her clients accept a settlement with no admission of wrongdoing? My view: Of course. Money usually triumphs over principle.

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Trump to Seek Harsher Penalty for Drug Crimes and Limit Pain Pill

Donald Trump wants more mandatory minimums and other increased penalties for drug crimes.

He also wants to decrease pain-pill prescriptions by one-third over the next three years and limit Medicaid's reimbursement for them.

The Trump administration said it will seek stiffer penalties against drug dealers — including the death penalty where appropriate under current law — and it wants the number of prescriptions for powerful painkillers to be cut by one-third nationwide as part of a broad effort to combat the opioid crisis.

...It also wants to tighten the number of opioid prescriptions that can be reimbursed by Medicaid as a way to curb overprescribing.

Donald Trump is not our doctor. [More...]

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Agent Andrew McCabe Fired, Reportedly Kept Memos

It's pretty cruel to fire a career FBI agent two days before his official retirement so he'd be at risk of losing his retirement, but that's Donald Trump. Jefferson Sessions did the dirty work.

The Associated Press reports McCabe kept memos of his interactions with Trump and with James Comey. The New York Times reports:

Mr. McCabe’s memos were left at the F.B.I., which means that Mr. Mueller’s investigators have access to them as they work to corroborate Mr. Comey’s account.

McCabe reportedly met with Trump three times. [More...]

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Wife of Don. Jr. Files for Divorce

Vanessa Trump, wife of Donald Jr. and mother of their five young children, has filed for divorce. Her lawyer is a New York criminal defense attorney named David Feurelson.

Ivana Trump had a very prominent criminal defense attorney, Michael Kennedy (R.I.P.) as her divorce attorney.

The split has been a long-time coming, according to the media. Vanessa allegedly doesn't like that Don. Jr. is always traveling or the constant attention due to the Trump name or his tweeting.

One article said they had hoped to stay married through Donald's occupancy of the oval office, but their differences were too great.

They obviously have a pre-nup, and apparently have worked out child custody as Vanessa filed the petition as "an uncontested proceeding" which means neither party has to appear.

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Trump Plans on More Pundit Hirings for Important Jobs

Donald Trump apparently thinks he can remake his battered image through hiring television pundits for important policy positions in his administration.

Meanwhile, Stormy Daniels says she can "describe his junk perfectly."

What a farce.

What's not a farce: Robert Mueller is subpoenaing Trump Org.'s Russia records.

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Rex Tillerson Fired

Donald Trump has fired Rex Tillerson. CIA Chief Pompeo will replace him.

Gina Haspel will be in charge of the CIA.

She reportedly ran a secret prison in Thailand in 2002 where terrorism suspects were waterboarded and subjected to other so-called enhanced interrogations.

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Trump Says He May Visit Jerusalem for Opening of US Embassy

Netanyahu is in Washington to speak at the AIPAC conference. He's in trouble at home in a few corruption cases. He and his wife were questioned this weekend in a bribery plot. At least one close member of his staff flipped and said he was in on a plot to bribe media outlets. The principal advisor accusing him is Netanyahu’s "longtime confidant, journalist turned media adviser."

Hefetz was the mover, shaker, planner and executor of their darkest desires. He can testify to all four of the “major” investigations in which Netanyahu is involved or implicated, as well as to his own pivotal role in an alleged attempt to bribe a judge with an appointment as attorney general, in exchange for a pledge not to prosecute Sara Netanyahu.

Donald Trump met with Netanyahu today at the White House. Trump said he may visit Jerusalem in May for the opening of the new U.S. embassy.

The Embassy opening pertains to a retrofit of an old building. The actual embassy that is planned is years away from being built.

Will Jared go too? Or are peace talks DOA since the Palestineans won't agree to them.

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The Many Travails of Jared Kushner

According to many media reports, Jared Kushner's role in setting White House policy may be ending. Mueller's investigation into Russia's meddling in the 2016 election is broadening, and according to media sources and some who have been questioned by Mueller, the interest in Kushner's finances and whether there have been conflicts of interest is growing.

Vox has a good article summing up all Jared's travails, with source links. The New York Times added another yesterday.

There have been reports even Trump wants Jared and Ivanka to return to NY.

Mueller seems to be questioning everyone. I wonder where it will end for Jared: will he be cleared? Will he take a pre-indictment plea to some lesser charge and agree to cooperate against other Mueller targets, or will he hold on, and fight?

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Hope Hicks Resigns

Hope Hicks has resigned as Donald Trump's communications director.

Hicks is reportedly the closest of anyone to Donald Trump. The New York Times says Trump is Losing a Limb.

Describing their relationship, Michael Wolff, in Fire and Fury (p. 260) says: [More...]

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Report: Kushner Loses Security Access to Daily Briefings

Reuters is reporting Jared Kushner has lost his interim security clearance that allows him access to Trump's daily briefings.

A third official, also speaking on condition of anonymity, said Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein recently passed new information to White House Counsel Don McGahn that led to the slowing or stopping of Kushner’s pending clearance application. The nature of that information was not clear.

It also is unclear if and when Kushner’s access to the briefing, known as the PDB, which requires clearance higher than the Top Secret level, would be reinstated.

Reuters reports this is unconfirmed, and it's not clear if or why he was refused permanent clearance but sources say has to do with his financial dealings.

This may mean nothing since Reuters also reports that Trump is authorized personally to grant him a top secret clearance. But there is more....[More...]

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Trump's History in Moments of Danger

Trump says he would have rushed into a high school under attack by a shooter without a weapon. How laughable is the claim? The Washington Post reviews his history when it comes to situations that could put him in danger.

Remember during the campaign when he said he could walk down Fifth Avenue and shoot someone and get away with it?

Can anyone spell delusional?

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Another Day, Another Marital Affair Allegation Against Trump

The New Yorker reports on an affair Donald Trump had with a Playboy Model while he was married to Melania, just months after Barron was born.

This story, which had been purchased from McDougal before the election but never publicly released, is considered significant by the New Yorker in part because it shows how Trump had a pattern and method of concealing his actions and finances.

I thought it was interesting because it describes how she attended events that Trump attended with his family and met his children.

On the other hand, it's written by Ronan Farrow, who seems to me to be a personal crusade, first with his father Woody Allen, then with Harvey Weinstein, and now with Trump. I wish the article had been written by someone more neutral on the case.

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