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GOP VP Thread

For those of you who want to speculate about John McCain's choice of a running mate (in advance of tomorrow's announcement, or perhaps a "surprise" announcement tonight), here's a place to indulge. And here's a tidbit, for what it's worth:

[O]ne top prospect abruptly canceled numerous public appearances. Without explanation, Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty called off an Associated Press interview at the last minute, as well as other media interviews in Denver, site of the Democratic National Convention.

Pawlenty would be surprised if McCain picked a pro-choice running mate like Joe Lieberman or Tom Ridge. Arizona's junior senator, Jon Kyl, sounds like he would be unsurprised by an unorthodox choice. Will McCain surprise Pawlenty?

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Holding Our Democratic Party Accountable

I think Jeralyn's post gives us a great opportunity to think about how we can hold our Democratic Party and our Democratic ticket accountable. We've said what we've said about the past. Now the question is what do we want and do in the future regarding our Democratic Party and our Democratic ticket.

I am a political junkie so you'll here a lot about what I think about the Democratic political strategy. But we should also think about how we can get our issues where we want them to be. At the very least, we can call Dems to account when they fail on our issues in the campaign.

Some fresh new thinking on this is in order. Hope you folks will join me in the exercise during this campaign.

This is an Open Thread.

By Big Tent Democrat, speaking for me only

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Supporting the Democratic Ticket

The primaries are over. Sen. Barack Obama and Joe Biden are our nominees.

This is a historic day for the Democrats and for Denver. TalkLeft fully supports the Democratic ticket. I've resolved my conflicts and will both vote for as well as support Obama-Biden in 2008. A Republican-led Justice Department and a Supreme Court with another right-wing ideologue would be the worst possible outcome for me.

If you are unhappy with the ticket, I'm sorry. But, this is a blog, and it's my blog. TalkLeft will do its part to ensure victory in November. In fact, I encourage everyone to make a donation now to Obama-Biden 2008.

As to commenters here, see below:

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Four More?

Bill Clinton:

They actually want us to reward them for the last eight years by giving them four more. Let’s send them a message that will echo from the Rockies all across America: Thanks, but no thanks.

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Bill Clinton:

I say to you: Barack Obama is ready to lead America and restore American leadership in the world. Barack Obama is ready to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Barack Obama is ready to be president of the United States.

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Live-Blogging Joe Biden

I'm back home and Joe Biden is about to speak. His son, Attorney General of Delaware, Beau Biden, just gave a rousing speech for him.

Thoughts and updates below.

Update: Biden's family seems very nice.

The best part was when he finished and Barack Obama came out. Obama looked really happy and relaxed.

I think Michelle Obama is Biden's biggest fan.

Your turn.

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The 18 State Strategy?

Turkana provides a chuckle:

In an article about the Obama campaign's plans and expectations, Marc Ambinder had this amusing little nugget, from Obama election manager David Plouffe:

"All we care about is these 18 states," he said. He repeated, with emphasis, that the campaign does not care about national polling. Instead, the campaign's own identification, registration and canvassing efforts provide the data he uses to determine where to invest money and resources.

Had Clinton been nominated, and had her campaign manager made such a statement, the shrillosphere would once again be flooded with derision about her team considering 32 states to be irrelevant.

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Is Obama A Rejection Of "Clintonism?"

Last night Rachel Maddow said that Obama is a rejection of Clintonism. And I wondered, if that is so, then isn't that an argument for Clinton supporters to NOT vote for Obama? To not get over it? After all, if that were true, then the PUMAs would have a point, wouldn't they?

The fact is this is mindless nonsense from Rachel Maddow. Barack Obama is Clintonism Redux. Obama's Post-Partisan Unity Schtick is merely Clinton's 1990s Third Way for the 21st Century. Obama's victory is actually victory for triangulation. But pundit are mindless and they say and do anything to feed their freak show narratives. And Rachel Maddow is certainly among the worst at that.

How about Obama as the new William Jennings Bryan? I kid you not. That is what the Quinnipiac pollster Peter Brown asserts:

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An Open letter to Hillary Clinton Supporters

This letter was written by a friend of mine, whose letters I have published several times over the years on TalkLeft. When I first met him, he was a criminal defense lawyer with a very high profile Washington, DC law firm. (I served as local counsel for one of his clients.)

He then became a high ranking official in the Clinton Justice Department. We were on opposing sides then but remained in touch. He's been back in private practice in D.C. for several years since then. During four of those years, we both served on a prominent national legal board that met every three months in various cities. While he's never going to agree with all of my positions on crime issues, I still have tremendous respect for him. He's really one of the good guys -- and a true Democrat.

We've been corresponding throughout this election campaign as he was a strong supporter of Sen. Barack Obama from the beginning. He was unable to convince me that Obama would be a better President or nominee than Hillary. Of course, I agree with him that Obama would be a better President than John McCain.

His letter to Hillary Clinton supporters, sent to me for TalkLeft this morning, is below:

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Explaining What Being A Democrat Means

It is most revealing that the pundits who, apparently looking for things to criticize about Hillary Clinton, complain that Hillary's speech was not about Obama the person, it was about why Democrats should support the Democratic nominee. This is classic personality driven punditry. They do not believe the issues matter. To them it is not about the American People and their lives and issues, it is about their silly Freak Show. Anglachel captures why Hillary Clinton's speech was so powerful and why it was the best possible endorsement that could be delivered for Barack Obama:

It was, first and foremost, a speech about politics. It had plenty of "human interest" and even humor in it. We most certainly got a look into the mind and heart of this woman. But what it was, from the first line to the last, was a full-force evocation of what it means to be a Democrat. In a season where we have been bombarded by bipartisan, everybody let's hug, don't say anything bad about the Republicans, don't be partisan be Obamacan, Unity Ponies for everyone balderdash, Hillary took the party by the scruff of its dithering neck and made it look at the reason we are a party in the first place.

It was a Politics of Contrast/Fighting Dem speech, and the type of speech Barack Obama and every Democrat should be giving. It was about why folks should vote for Democrats and why they should not vote for Republicans. The reasons are bigger than Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

By Big Tent Democrat, speaking for me only

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Ted Stevens Wins Primary

Alaskan Republicans demonstrated their reverence for the presumption of innocence by voting overwhelmingly for the indicted Ted Stevens in the Republican primary. Or maybe it's this:

Mr. Stevens, who has been in office for 40 years ... is revered for bringing home billions of dollars in federal spending ....

Stevens' trial is scheduled for late September. If he's convicted, Alaskan Republicans will have the opportunity to vote for a candidate who will serve his senatorial term in a prison cell.

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After Tonight, The Republicans Hate Hillary Again

What a speech! In that moment, at that time, just an unbelievable speech. If you saw it, there is nothing I can write that can do it justice.

Here's my bottom line, after tonight, the Republicans hate Hillary again. It was a dagger through McCain's political heart.

Barack Obama will be the President of the United States. But remember this, the reports of the political death of Hillary Clinton were greatly exaggerated.

By Big Tent Democrat, speaking for me only

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