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The Blame Game

by Last Night in Little Rock

Earlier today Talkleft posted Plenty of Blame to Go Around. The NY Times has a devastating article today entitled After Failures, Government Officials Play Blame Game.

The Neo-Cons talk about personal responsibility of the victims to go on, completely forgetting about the personal responsibility of every government official who had his or her hands on the NOLA District Corps of Engineers budget cuts or the budget of the Federal Emergency Mismanagement Agency.

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FEMA caught lying on CNN via AOL; Cuban aid rebuffed

by Last Night in Little Rock

AOL users: AOL has a 3:19 video clip from CNN that I could not find on CNN's website entitled Chertoff Fact Check. It has video clips of the various positions taken by DHS Secretary Chertoff and FEMA Director Michael Brown before and after Katrina struck where they are caught, shall we say, flip flopping? Some would say flip flopping, but I'm going to say lying to CYA, forgetting that everything a public official says or does is on videotape.

They deny that this scenario could occur, yet they studied this specific scenario months before Katrina struck, etc. The list painfully goes on forever, and we don't have to recount it any more. CNN.com also has a story Clinton: Government 'failed' people with a video link.

If we can find "Chertoff Fact Check" on CNN's website, we will post it here as an update.

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Meet Deamonte Love, Age 6 and the Children He Saved

The LA Times:

In the chaos that was Causeway Boulevard, this group of refugees stood out: a 6-year-old boy walking down the road, holding a 5-month-old, surrounded by five toddlers who followed him around as if he were their leader.

They were holding hands. Three of the children were about 2 years old, and one was wearing only diapers. A 3-year-old girl, who wore colorful barrettes on the ends of her braids, had her 14-month-old brother in tow. The 6-year-old spoke for all of them, and he told rescuers his name was Deamonte Love.

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Plenty of Blame to Go Around

Not everyone has praise for New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin. Law Prof Michael Froomkin at Discourse Net says, "Long before FEMA dropped the ball, local authorities decided they didn't need one." [hat tip to Making Light.]

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Warnings From Before the Storm Made Landfall

NBC's Brian Williams blogs about the official warning on Sunday, August 28 from NOAA. [Via Atrios]

I remember it well, since TalkLeft and several other bloggers posted it that night. Here it is again:

Most of the area will be uninhabitable for weeks...perhaps longer. At least one half of well constructed homes will have roof and wall failure. All gabled roofs will fail...leaving those homes severely damaged or destroyed.

The majority of industrial buildings will become non functional. Partial to complete wall and roof failure is expected. All wood framed low rising apartment buildings will be destroyed. Concrete block low rise apartments will sustain major damage...including some wall and roof failure. High rise office and apartment buildings will sway dangerously...a few to the point of total collapse. All windows will blow out.

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Landrieu Fights Back

by TChris

Thousands of people (perhaps as many as 10,000) have died in New Orleans. Frustrated by the Bush administration's strategy to blame state and local governments for the failure to save more lives in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Sen. Mary Landrieu is ready to lace up the boxing gloves:

Underscoring the strain of the disaster, Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., lashed out at federal officials who she said have denigrated local efforts to deal with the catastrophe.

"If one person criticizes them or says one more thing, including the president of the United States, he will hear from me," she said on ABC's "This Week."

"One more word about it after this show airs and I might likely have to punch him. Literally."

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Monday Afternoon Katrina Links

For your afternoon reading:

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Thousands Return to New Orleans, Bush Clears Calendar

BBC is reporting that thousands of residents are returning to New Orleans to inspect the damage to their homes and pick up belongings before leaving again. Authorites warn against staying too long, saying the city has been destroyed:

The Superintendent of the New Orleans police department, Eddie Compass, has warned people remaining in the city to leave. "Our officers are basically telling people there is absolutely no reason to stay here... We advise people that this city has been destroyed."

More than 1 million people have been displaced by the hurricane.

In related news, Bush has cleared his calendar for September to focus on Katrina-related issues. And it looks like Congressional hearings into what went wrong may begin this week. President Bush may become the "lamest of lame ducks."

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Advance Copy of Senate Dems' Press Release on Katrina

Raw Story has an advance copy of the Senate Democrats' press release regarding their Katrina Relief Plan to be issued tomorrow.

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Baghdad Guard Medics Moved By Carnage

by Last Night in Little Rock

Soledad O'Brien of CNN reports talking to National Guard medics who were moved by their experiences in NOLA:

We talked to men and women, some of whom have been in the military for decades, some who are new. All expressed how horrific it is. We sat down and talked to a medic who, with two colleagues, treated literally thousands of people today as they filed out of the Superdome.

This medic has been to Baghdad and seen people decapitated. But he said this is so much worse because it is so disorganized and because it is on American soil. His official orders said to prepare for 20 percent of the people he treats to not make it. They didn't lose anyone today. They showed true heroism.

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10,000 Katrina survivors arrive at Ft. Chafee, AR

by Last Night in Little Rock

10,000 evacuees from Katrina arrived at Ft. Chafee Arkansas today, a National Guard base. Ft. Chafee is more infamously remembered for the place where thousands from the Mariel Boatlift landed in 1980 and a riot ensued. (The rioters were moved to the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary, and the same thing happened there.)

Ft. Chafee filled up, and two plane loads and buses took the rest to the Pine Bluff, Arkansas Convention Center and church camps, according to KATV and KTHV in Little Rock. Gov. Mike Huckabee was there to welcome them and assist in redirecting the excess to other places in the state.

Welcome to Arkansas. A home and work await you.

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Two NOLA police officers commit suicide; dozens resign

by Last Night in Little Rock

CNN.com has a disturbing story tonight: Katrina aftermath taking toll on police. CNN reports that two officers have killed themselves with their own guns and dozens have resigned in the past week. NOLA PD has 1,600 officers.

The feeling of helplessness in the face of utter chaos in the destruction of the city they love so must be overwhelming. Nothing seems to me to warrant suicide, but I don't know what is going through their heads, or what they have seen and experienced. The PTSD rate will be enormous, with the police and public.

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