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Anti-Drug War Film Wins Sundance Best Documentary

"The House I Live In", by Eugene Jarecki, a documentary film that rips our War on Drugs and policies of over-incarceration, won the Grand Jury Prize for best Documentary at Sundance. [More...]

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Walking Back Through the MegaUpload Indictment

It seems to me, going through the timeline in the 72 page Megaupload Indictment, there are some events and players the media hasn't bothered to explore yet in any great detail. They are: [More...]

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Steven Tyler and the National Anthem: Sounded Fine to Me

Steven Tyler rocked out his version of the National Anthem today. I thought he was just fine-- delightfully screech-y in fact, if a little off-key. The audience cheered -- it was good entertainment.

I don't think the person who posted this video on You Tube should have used the words "messed up" because he sang "a bomb bursting in air" instead of "bombs bursting in air." Big deal.

Tyler is no stranger to singing the National Anthem. Check out his Indy 500 version. It's not like they didn't know what they were getting, he's been singing it at sporting events for a decade at least.

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R.I.P. Joe Paterno

Former Penn. State football coach Joe Paterno has lost his battle with lung cancer. He died today.

The Washington Post interviewed him at his home recently.

Paterno’s hope is that time will be his ally when it comes to judging what he built, versus what broke down. “I’m not 31 years old trying to prove something to anybody,” he said. “I know where I am.” This is where he is: wracked by radiation and chemotherapy, in a wheelchair with a broken pelvis, and “shocked and saddened” as he struggles to explain a breakdown of devastating proportions.

RIP Mr. Paterno.

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RIP Etta James

Etta James has died at 73. R.I.P. Ms. James.

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DOJ Takes to Twitter to Address DDOS Attacks on Gov't Websites

The Department of Justice is tweeting its response to the attacks on its website by Anonymous.

Here, here and here:

The DOJ web server hosting http://justice.gov is experiencing a significant increase in activity, resulting in a degradation in service.

The department is working to ensure the website is available while we investigate the origins of this activity... ...which is being treated as a malicious act until we can fully identify the root cause of the disruption.

These are the first tweets by DOJ in over 10 days. [More...]

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Anonymous Takes Down Dept.of Justice Website

Unbelievable. The Department of Justice website has been attacked and is now down. So is Universal Music. Anonymous has taken credit, saying it's payback for the MegaUpload Indictment today.

Here's the text of the press release DOJ issued announcing the MegaUpload Indictments.

More here. You can follow along on Twitter, at #OpMegaUpload, #MegaUpload, #Anonymous and @anondaily

One tweet says the FBI's website is next. YourAnonNews says "Incoming Database Dump. Get Ready "

Internet anarchy has arrived. No one should underestimate the abilities of Anonymous. [More...]

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Facebook Gets Even More Intrusive

As if Facebook wasn't intrusive enough, it's taken another giant leap, adding new apps that tell us way more than we want to know about people we've "friended" and telling our "friends" way more than we ever intended to share.

The apps are all set up to use the “frictionless sharing” function on the social network, meaning that users only have to give an app permission to share information once. After that, the app updates automatically to a user’s profile, letting their friends know instantly what they may be eating, studying or listening to at any given moment.

So now, as soon as you buy a concert ticket, your Ticketmaster app will let your friends know what you’ve purchased immediately.

I'm so close to deleting my account entirely. It took me a half hour last night to figure out how to get rid of seeing what news articles on WAPO and Yahoo "friends" read and what they ate. [More...]

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Zappos Hacked, 24 Million Account Holders Info Taken

Zappos has been hacked -- including its database of 24 million customers.

there may have been illegal and unauthorized access to some of your customer account information...including one or more of the following: your name, e-mail address, billing and shipping addresses, phone number, the last four digits of your credit card number (the standard information you find on receipts), and/or your cryptographically scrambled password (but not your actual password)."

So the good news is Zappos kept credit card information on a separate server that wasn't hacked. The bad news is if you've ordered from Zappos, hackers now have your name and address, order information, email address and the password you used for Zappos. [More...]

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The Golden Globes Starts Now

Update 8:40 pm: Meryl Streep is a delight. Jane Fonda still looks hot after all these years. Check out Angelina's tatoo on the top of her back that says "Know Your Rights."

Update 7:37pm: Some hope after all: Claire Danes won Best Actress in a TV drama for Homeland. I wonder why Dustin Hoffman needed encouragement from his wife and agent to present the awards. (Added: thanks to the commenter below who clued me on on what he meant. I missed most of Gerais' opening.) Woody Allen's movie Midnight in Paris was cute, not sure it was in the award-winning categor, even for best screenplay.

Update 7:07pm : Really boring show so far. Bizarre almost incomprehensible acceptance speech by Madonna. The Foreign Press reporters must have gotten kidnapped this year, their choices are just weird. Time to change the channel to Shameless I think. [More...]

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The New Miss America's Cause: Children of the Incarcerated

The newly crowned Miss America, Laura Kaeppeler aka Ms. Wisconsin, has a special cause: Children of the Incarcerated. At one time, she was one. Check out her organization, Circles of Support.

As to her post-Miss America plans, her website says in addition to her mentoring work, she will pursue a degree in Family and Child Advocacy Law. She also owns a music studio and teaches voice and piano. For her talent competition, she performed (sang) Luigi Arditi's classical aria, Il Bacio. [More...]

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Saturday Night Open Thread: Go Broncos

BTD is still away, and I would be remiss if I didn't post this for him.

Here's an open thread, all topics welcome, Bronco-related or not.

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